Elephant release in Panda Masuie

In Harare, we visited the elephant orphanage again at the beginning of our trip. There we met not only Roxy Danckwerts, but also her son Jos. Roxy is the founder of Wild is Life. This organisation consists of two branches, namely the Wild is Life Trust and the Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery (ZEN, https://www.zimbabweelephantnursery.com). After our trip to Victoria Falls, we also visited the elephant release centre in the nearby Panda Masuie area. This is run by Jos Danckwerts, whom we met again on site.

The principle of elephant release is amazingly simple. The elephants are cared for and rehabilitated in their boma. During the day, they go for a walk in the forest with their keepers. When it is feeding time, they come back. Some elephants then break away from this walking group and stay away for some time. They then usually rejoin the group. But there is no compulsion. Those elephants who can manage on their own in the wilderness can stay there.

We have directly supported "Wild is Life" from our association "Rettung bedrohter Wildtiere". Since Wolfgang Hennig is also a member of IFAW, he also donated through this organisation.

Jos Danckwerts had asked me, Wolfgang Hennig, not to publish the numerous very interesting pictures I was able to take on site at the reintroduction station for security reasons. I therefore refer to the interview he gave to IFAW.


The elephant pictures shown here were taken outside the release station during our trip.

With such tusks, it is a bit more difficult to move the trunk.

Drinking is not easy. You have to prop up your trunk once in a while.

You can also clean the trunk with the water.

A mud bath is always lovely.

You can also spray yourself wonderfully with sand.

When the mother has a bowel movement, you should already pay attention to where your own head is.

Heads up! The ball is coming!

That went well. The family can go home with peace of mind.